Municipality of Orestidos- Society for Protection of Persons in the Autistic Spectrum” When social offer does not know borders…

Municipality of Orestidos- Society for Protection of Persons in the Autistic Spectrum” When social offer does not know borders…

  • 23 Apr 0

 Last Saturday, representatives of the Municipality of Orestidos and members of the Society for Protection of Persons in the Autistic Spectrum in Kastoria went to Korytsa, after an invitation of the Consulate of Korytsa, Mr Ioannis Pediotis.

  Target of this visit was to inform people there about autism and specifically about the way they could form a competent society.

 The members of the Society, George Panou and Xenia Ballis, informed the parents of autistic children in Albania thoroughly about the way they themselves got organized, having as allies the citizens of Kastoria, for they dared to let the people know the situation they face, and thus they managed to break every social prejudice on the matter.


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